Disko Bay….!

Disko Bay….! That’s right… This is not a painting but Moondance (on the left) between the icebergs in the crazy Disko Bay! At the time of the previous newsletter, the Moondance was just on its way to Greenland from Norway . June 20, Luuk, Chris, Waldemar, Brorr and Carlos left the port of Tromsø, Norway. The plan was to […]
From the Lofoten to the Lyngen Alps!

From the Lofoten to the Lyngen Alps! In this update we look back at the first skiing and sailing weeks in collaboration with Epique Adventures. We sailed more than 1500 nautical miles and explored beautiful new areas. We started in Steigen, Ofoten and Lofoten and have now arrived in the famous Lyngen Alps! It is unbelievably beautiful here! At […]
Happy Holidays

HAPPY HOLIDAYS – Moondance is ready for Norway! Over the past 5 months, a lot of work has been done on the interior of the Moondance. Only the cabin and the wet cell were half finished when purchased. Our goal for this year was to give the guest areas a perfect refit . With the […]
Ski and Sail Moondance

Sailing Taxi 2.0 – Ski And Sail Moondance First update!The Sailing Taxi started with a two-year world tour. Together with Olivier, Guus, Tom and Luuk we sailed around the Atlantic Ocean with our previous sailing ship “Whisper” for two years. During the trip we received more than 200 guests and sailed 17,000 NM together. In […]